Sunday, January 23, 2011

inside the mind of a fresh

"Draw a cloud holding a briefcase looking at a duck in a pond smoking a pipe."

Sunday, January 16, 2011



I DON'T PRIDE MYSELF ON CARICATURES, but just wanted to pay homage to these guys. Their specials have been getting me through the work week for months now, and no matter how many times I've listened, they're still funny.

Seeing Patton Oswalt this Saturday, so getting excited with an update.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


HAVEN'T POSTED IN FOREVER, going to try and change that for 2011.

It's crazy how freelancing has put the kibosh on my desire to draw anything outside of work, BUT GOING TO TRY AND CHANGE THAT THIS YEAR. Copying Justin's resolution to try and update mo', shooting for at least once or twice a week.